Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Speaking of villains, I am so psyched that we are finally going to answer the question this summer: Is Snape on the side of good or evil?!?!

I had given only vague thoughts to Snape before I found out my favorite actor, Alan Rickman, was going to plan him in the first Harry Potter movie. All of a sudden I found him intriguing. The idea of Alan Rickman playing him seemed perfect, and suddenly in my mind he transformed from a terrible, greasy professor to a misunderstood, potential hero. Isn't that why girls love villains? We don't believe they are really bad, they are just misunderstood. Clearly they are from tortured backgrounds, and if only they have found some charming girl to love and be loved by at some point, it would have changed the entire course of their lives. In Captain Hook at Eton, J. M. Barrie even insinuates that love could have changed Hook's life. It may be too late for Jas., but it is not to late for Severus!

I will be one of the first to know, because I am working at the bookstore the night the new book is released! At midnight I will head home with my copy and begin immediately. I must know! I can't wait to have that new book in my hands. Until them, I am holding out for him to be the hero we girls dream him to be!


Miss French Jessica said...

Oh, I can not wait to find out myself. I'm completely spell bound by the Harry Potter series. I'll probably do a marathon reading session as well. In fact, I may need to reread several of the past books just to refresh my memory!

Sharon said...

I've been convinced that Snape is evil since the first book...we'll see if I'm right. :) Love this series!