Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Esme and I made out own applesauce today and it was soooo good! I'd never made applesauce before - my grandmother Adams' was soooo good I knew I couldn't live up to those standards. Recently though I saw a post on the peaboard about how to make it in your crockpot, so I decided we should give it a try. We used the apples we picked with my mom a while ago. It was incredibly easy and came out so well. I was so glad we tried it - there's nothing like warm applesauce on a cool Fall night!


Disney Mummy said...

Sounds great Jenny! I bet your house smelled so good while it was cooking too!

Stephanie said...

Yummy!! Did you take pictures?

Mimi said...

From the crockpot? What an interesting idea.

I like homemade applesauce too.