Saturday, August 06, 2005

We have Dylan this weekend. It is amazing how different he and Esme are. Part of it is their age (he is 1 yo, 13 months younger than her) but another big part if it is their personalities. He is so fussy! He gets a tiny bump, the kind Esme wouldn't even notice, and he's hysterical. He can't be left alone in a room or he'll scream his little head off. Esme goes in her playroom and closes the door. He is much more easily distracted that she is though - once she gets fixated on something there is no turning her away from it. He is more like baby mood swing - he can be bawling and then 2 seconds later be laughing at a funny face you made. Both kids are very affectionate and I love that about them! Dylan and Esme both give great hugs! Having him here this weekend definitely makes me appreciate that I live with the easy-going child in the family.

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